Accelerate Your Digital Transformation With Cloud Migration

| Jun 6, 2022

In this speech from the AWS Summit Berlin 2022, held on May 12, 2022, my colleague AWS Ambassador Jarek Grząbel and I explore the theme of Cloud Migrations. Our presentation underscores a pivotal paradigm shift: at SoftServe, we view cloud migrations not solely as technical endevours, but as golden opportunities to accelerate digital transformations for your clients.

Our main argument revolves around expanding the focus from just transforming the technical aspects to a more comprehensive transformation across several key areas. This approach is framed within the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF), emphasizing six critical domains: Business, People, Governance, Platform, Security, and Operations. We argue that without a holistic engagement with the AWS CAF framework, and without initiating transformations across all these domains, cloud migration efforts could potentially be counterproductive.

Furthermore, we delve into practical examples showcasing how we accelerate the transformation process at different stages of the cloud migration journey. We discuss our repeatable solutions, continuously refined through each migration project we run for our clients, highlighting how these solutions contribute to a faster, more efficient and effective digital transformation.

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